Tuesday, March 22, 2011


My great grand-parents

People of the earth

Paysans et fièrs de l'être

They worked hard

In the beautiful and rough Auvergne

Many Auvergnats also known as "Bougnats" migrated to Paris to make a leaving 

They opened cafés, brasseries and sold coal 

Hard at work they were known to be a tight community.

I am proud to be one of their descendants...

...which leads me to share something i feel strongly about :

The working class people, the peasants , the artisans , explorers ( to name just a few ) 

Every profession  has its own uniform or  attire.

I have been so inspired by the emergence of workwear in fashion

Le bleu de travail

unionmade has a great selection 

I am getting this issue of  Huzine online through
  Inventory Magazine . Find the latter at Birch in San Francisco .

Organic designs
Modern materials
Tina Frey's creations are unique, soft and simple
Even better,
They are made here in San Francisco.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean ,

the iconic porcelain factory  Nymphenburg  has added more contemporary designs to their enormous line of hand made objects. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Nothing lasts

We must not take for granted every single minute

Like when we were kids

Those times are precious

Jeanne-Claude et Christo

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Appropriate parallel

You should watch The China Syndrome 
I loved that movie
Great acting and plot

Livre ã deux pages

Les Editions Périphérique recently released this amusing " 2 pages book" regrouping a collection of random thoughts .
Their concept is simple : two pages, one photo, one phrase.

Le Kulte du Japon

The french brand Kulte is giving all the proceeds to help Japan

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Japon mon amour
My heart goes to you

Hors-sujet : As a floral artisan, i really like this vintage photo of an Horti-Geisha holding a bamboo syringe  to spray the carnations.

On The steps of momoca you can purchase some of her creations for the Tsunami relief.

There is always red cross around

Missoni vs Marbled paper

Beautifully crafted, marbled paper looks soft and surreal

The Missoni chevrons resembles it

I would love to learn how to make marbled paper
Cerré mentioned her french folder which reminded me of the ones we had for Art classes

I found this photo from the early 70's 
He is even wearing an old fashioned painter shirt

Sunday, March 6, 2011