Tuesday, March 22, 2011


My great grand-parents

People of the earth

Paysans et fièrs de l'être

They worked hard

In the beautiful and rough Auvergne

Many Auvergnats also known as "Bougnats" migrated to Paris to make a leaving 

They opened cafés, brasseries and sold coal 

Hard at work they were known to be a tight community.

I am proud to be one of their descendants...

...which leads me to share something i feel strongly about :

The working class people, the peasants , the artisans , explorers ( to name just a few ) 

Every profession  has its own uniform or  attire.

I have been so inspired by the emergence of workwear in fashion

Le bleu de travail

unionmade has a great selection 

I am getting this issue of  Huzine online through
  Inventory Magazine . Find the latter at Birch in San Francisco .